TUA Turns Two
March 22, 2024

This month sees The Ultimate Advantage turn two – time flies when you’re having fun! 

While we’ve certainly been busy – supporting C-suite execs around the world, delivering sessions, hosting discussions, and guest-starring on podcasts (the list goes on…), we’re still just scratching the surface of all the exciting projects and plans we have scoped for the business. With Fliss having now officially handed the Zen mantle over to Rhi, we’re excited that the next twelve months will see us jump in head-first, and take all-things-language-mastery to the next level!

But, that’s not to say we haven’t been involved in some pretty fantastic projects already. Helping many organisations adopt truly compelling communications – able to recognise filters and biases in themselves and others, bring a conscious awareness to the language they use, and take responsibility for how their messaging lands. 

Plus, we’ve worked with teams to share how they can stand in their authentic power, set (and maintain) boundaries, and make sure their voice is always heard – without ever having to raise it. This hasn’t been exclusive to the workplace, but positively impacted their everyday lives too.

And, as if that wasn’t enough, we’ve also had the privilege of enhancing the communication skills of the next generation of professionals. We delivered sessions to whole cohorts of students (from aged seven through to college level), showcasing the true power of language, ready for them to embark on the world of work. 

This – all of this – was *exactly* why TUA was launched. For over two decades, Fliss has worked with businesses worldwide, providing PR and communications support – everything from crafting copy and preparing keynote speeches, through to assisting with Boardroom disputes. 

TUA was born out of a burning desire to take this further. To dedicate even more time and resources to share these insights with even more businesses, organisations and individuals. To make the world of business a place where we can all be understood exactly as we intend; communicate with impact, integrity and influence; and bring a conscious awareness to our language. 

The 2024 diary is already filling up, and we have lots in the pipeline too – but throughout the course of March, we’ll be taking a moment to reflect upon what a fantastic two years it’s been. And celebrate all that’s yet to come!

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By Felicity Wingrove August 13, 2024
Storytelling is certainly a powerful art - both in the creation of intentional stories released into the world to entertain, enthuse, or inspire, and in the internal dialogue which has evolved to keep each of us safe. But it also holds significant weight as an effective corporate communication tool… We recently shared our insights about the importance of determining your truth in amongst the truth when it comes to the tales we tell ourselves as a response to the world around us. But once this has been mastered, storytelling can help you to further connect and engage – whether at Board level or communicating with your entire workforce.
By Felicity Wingrove July 10, 2024
From early childhood we’re taught the ancient art of storytelling. We start with ‘once upon a time’ and end with ‘happily ever after’, and we carry on telling ourselves stories as we grow and step into the world around us. But they don’t always serve us well. And that’s in large part because we’re each so unique and we view the world through our own personal stained-glass window sunglasses. Each pane of glass has been shaped and coloured by our own lived experiences, the culture in which we were raised, and the many ‘truths’ we’ve been taught along the way. And these impact how we interpret, respond and react to the stories we’re told, and that we tell ourselves. We read into a person’s intent, decipher what they ‘really’ mean, or work to sense what’s coming next. It’s all perfectly natural and it’s ultimately how our brain has evolved to keep us safe, but it’s rarely the truth and very much more often our truth. Take a lunch with friends as an example. Imagine walking into the restaurant and seeing them all together over the other side of the room, laughing and having a great time. You walk towards them and as soon as they see you, they fall quiet and look a bit awkward. You could make that behaviour mean that they were talking about you, or that they were planning a surprise birthday party for you. Neither may be the whole truth but just think about how you’d act if you believed either of those stories, how your friends would respond, and how the end of that lunch might look and feel… So few of us realise that our inner narrative doesn’t come from a neutral place, instead, just like our stained-glass sunglasses, it’s moulded by our experiences, self-image, and personal filters. And this is ever-applicable in the corporate world too. Two individuals receiving the exact same email, can have wildly different interpretations, and that comes down to their filters and how they read or process it. When we assume the intent behind a message based on our inner storytelling narrative, it absolutely impacts our response to that message. Our reaction may be defensive, potentially leading to a negative exchange that may have been completely unnecessary in reality. So always pause. And bring conscious awareness to anything that a communication (regardless of its form) brings up for you, and then ask yourself if the messaging you took from it was the truth, or was it your truth?

Download our guide to learn the five secrets to compelling communications.

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